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The Features of Scientific Texts


Valentina Tenedini

This lesson, prepared for students of a Scientific School but easily adaptable for any school, could be considered a useful CLIL lesson on the characteristics of scientific texts.

The main objectives of this lesson are to help students learn the distinguishing features of scientific texts in English, recognise the different types of scientific texts, and, finally, know the style and purpose of each type of scientific text.


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Lesson plan



  • third year high school students (b1)
  • lower intermediate level



  • a2/b1 level of English


Lecture organisation:

  • Time: 1 or two modules 100 mins maximum, in all.


  • Introduction: a brief introductory note explaining what the lesson is going to be about.
  • 1st part: set the cultural context : i.e tell the class why they need to learn those contents, how and why they fit it in their syllabus and curriculum.
  • 2nd part: slideshow: disclose each of the items, making up the lesson, gradually, (i.e. the features of the scientific text, the different types of texts, example for each type, goal of each).

All the while encourage:

  • the students to anticipate the contents of each slide by giving them simple prompts or key questions. How do you think a scientific text is different from a literary text? What do you think its distinguishing features may be etc…
  • parallels with their native language (e.g. do scientific texts in Italian have the same features? What do we call each type of text in Italian? Is that used in Italian for the same purpose? etc)
  • the students to paraphrase orally, when possible the information given

The class copy the contents of each slide, which will be studied as home.

  • Conclusion: have the students trying to recap the contents schematically, then show the final page.
  • Suggestion: after the lesson, the class may be asked to make their own presentation out of it, which could be shown during the speaking test. In this case: set a specific number of slides.


Teaching strategies and tools:

  • Use of IWB, or overhead projector, whiteboard, (if those are not provided a blackboard to spell names or expression will do).


  • Text(s) to be read in class: see word file or slideshow



  • To learn the distinguishing features of scientific texts in English
  • To know and recognise the different types of scientific texts
  • To know the style and purpose of each type of scientific text
  • To learn how to present the material given in class in a different, original way
Download this file (the features of scientific texts By V. Tenedini_rg.doc)The features of Scientific Texts _V_Tenedini[Scarica la lezione in formato .doc]50 kB
Download this file (the features of the scientific text  - by V. Tenedini_rg.ppt)The features of Scientific Texts _V_Tenedini[scarica la lezione in formato .ppt]1137 kB

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